Novel Alzheimer’s Drug Passes First Phase of Human Testing


A new drug for treating Alzheimer’s disease has successfully passed the first phase of testing in humans. Preclinical studies had already shown that the drug could improve memory and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in older mice.

Researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich and Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, both in Germany, developed the candidate drug, which, for now, bears the name PRI-002.

PRI-002 eliminates toxic beta-amyloid oligomers, the self-replicating proteins that scientists suspect of causing and advancing Alzheimer’s disease.

The team had previously shown that the drug could significantly reduce signs and symptoms in older mice that were genetically engineered to develop an Alzheimer’s-like disease through the insertion of a mutant human gene.

That preclinical study featured online in 2018 in the journal Molecular Neurobiology.

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